Who Can Attend?

Those in grades 6 through 12 for the 2021-2022 school year. Registration includes lunch and dinner, all programming, and housing. Breakfast plan available.
Youth Workers are adults who are housed in dorms with their own students. Each group must have a 1 to 12 ratio of youth workers to students per gender. Registration includes lunch, and dinner – as well as breakfast during the Daily Staff/Youth Worker Meetings, all programming, and housing in student dorms with your church’s students per gender.
Adult Guests are registrants one year out of high school and older who are staying off-campus. Registration includes sessions admission for the week and lunch and dinner. A breakfast plan is optional. You are responsible for your own housing off-campus.
Volunteers are those who graduated from high school at least a year ago and who attend the conference to assist staff in several areas. Because Volunteers have significant responsibilities each day during the week, Momentum assists to help underwrite a portion of registration. As there are 25 volunteer positions available, payment of the initial $75 deposit can secure your spot to fill any of those positions once accepted.

A registrant who provides supervision of children of a Staff Member or a Youth Worker (A Child Care Giver could be one of the parents – but would need to register as “Child Caregiver” if not bringing another adult to serve in that role. A parent who is a Momentum Child Care Giver is unable to also be a Momentum Youth Worker. By Momentum’s policy, nobody younger than a 6th-grade student is allowed to be housed in the student dorm and is unable to have admittance into the main seating areas of the Main Sessions. There is a live feed room during sessions available for children and Child Caregivers. Children, and by proxy Child Caregivers, are also unable to attend Power Track Seminars, Youth Worker Labs, Staff Meetings or to go off campus with the ministry options. Registration includes lunch, dinner, and housing in the Staff/Adult Guest dorms. A breakfast plan is optional. See our Child Policy for more information.


Since Momentum is geared for junior and senior high school students, we don’t encourage adult registrants to bring children under 12 years of age. If you must bring children under 6th grade, please note that no one under the age of 12 is allowed to be housed in the dorm with Momentum students and youth leaders, and is unable to have admittance into the main level or balcony area of the main session. See our Child Policy for more information.

Request Info

How can we help?(Required)
How did you learn about Momentum Youth Conference?(Required)