Momentum Camps World Class Training

Students attending the full week of Momentum Youth Conference can elect to also participate in one of our newly offered camps this summer: Apologetics and Worship.

Each afternoon, attendees at Momentum have free time to participate in on-campus options or off-campus ministry. Students electing for one of these additional training camps will use the afternoon on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday for this specialized time. Attendance is limited for both tracks in order to create a hands-on learning atmosphere.


Get world-class teaching from Dr. Sean McDowell in this three-day format:

  1. In-depth training on Biblical Sexuality: God’s design for sex, LGBTQ+, and gender identity
  2. In-depth training on hot-button apologetic topics: absolute truth, Scripture, Creation, etc.
  3. Off-campus trip to have spiritual conversations and put into use the training from days 1 and 2

Students in this camp are offered a unique experience to learn in a smaller setting from one of today’s leading apologists and Christian authors, ask questions, have conversations, and get on-the-ground training.

Registration is on a first-come-first-served basis until space is filled. This camp is limited to 40 participants and is only offered to students in 11th and 12th grade. If a student younger than 11th grade is interested in this option, email to be put on a waitlist.

Registrants are asked to read two books prior to arrival at Momentum Youth Conference (included in cost): Chasing Love and Is God a Human Invention? These books will be shipped to registrants from Momentum.


Two Morning Training Tracks
Two Afternoon Training Periods
Off-Campus Experience with Transportation
Off Campus Meal
Two Books

Cost: $130

(requires youth conference registration)

Dr. Sean McDowell

is an Associate Professor in the Christian Apologetics program at Talbot School of Theology, Biola University and he still teaches one high school Bible class, which helps give him exceptional insight into the prevailing culture so he can impart his observations poignantly to fellow educators, pastors, and parents alike. Sean has authored, co-authored, or edited over twenty books. He is listed among the top 100 apologists and he graduated summa cum laude from Talbot Theological Seminary with a double master’s degree in Theology and Philosophy. He earned a Ph.D. in Apologetics and Worldview Studies from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in 2014.

Sean McDowell
Dr. Sean McDowell


Students who are actively leading worship and who want to gain hands-on training in having a heart of a worship leader, leading through worship moments, preparation, transitions, experience, and more won’t want to miss the Worship Leader Camp led by Momentum worship leader, Jordan Howerton!
Each day students will get expert teaching from Jordan Howerton including small group break-outs and practice time.

Students will walk away with a biblical mindset on leading others into worship, using their abilities for God, will have gotten personalized feedback, and will have grown in their leadership skills.

Registration is by application including a reference by a youth leader. This camp is limited to 25 participants and is only offered to students who are involved with leading worship.


Three Afternoon Training Periods
Discussion Groups
Personalized Feedback and Training

Cost: $99

Jordan Howerton

Jordan is a worship leader and songwriter from Phoenix, AZ. He’s been leading worship for churches, events, and conferences around the world for over 17 years and is the lead worship pastor at Christ’s Church of the Valley in Phoenix, AZ.

Momentum continues to ask Jordan to lead worship at Momentum Youth Conference because of his unique abilities to connect with students, his knowledge of God’s Word, and how he incorporates his pastoral gifts into leading. He desires to empower the local church and the next generation and to train up worship leaders for the church.

Sean McDowell
Jordan Howerton

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