Travel Teams
Training in a biblical framework about why we believe what we believe so that we can positively impact a changing culture
Developing positive character qualities of a Christian leader
Mobilizing participants to learn through practical experiences, using that example to impact churches and communities.
Momentum Urban Centers
Momentum Urban Centers has training centers in both Philadelphia and Los Angeles. Each center offers opportunities for believers of all ages to be trained in evangelism and urban ministry. Our passion is for individuals and churches to catch a vision for living ON MISSION so they not only impact our neighborhood but their home communities through our year-round experiences.
We have facilities that are fully equipped with lodging accommodations, showers, kitchen, and training room. We can currently house up to 48 people at Urban Center Los Angeles and up to 75 at Urban Center Philadelphia.
Philadelphia Campus:
210 E. Tioga Street
Philadelphia, PA 19134
Los Angeles Campus:
Momentum Urban Centers
Trip Options
Our trips are designed for middle school & high school students, college students, adults, small groups, youth groups, church leadership groups and colleges/universities. Whether your team is experienced in talking about Jesus with others, or this is their first missions trip we will create a trip to help maximize their experience.
Momentum Urban Centers’ heartbeat is to ignite a passion for your team to reach their peers back home. It is not just about a weekend or week-long missions experience. Urban Centers are a springboard to help your team know how to engage with others in their own communities and with those that God has placed in their path!
Two-Day Trip
Five-Day Trip
Seven-Day Trip
To inquire about available dates for your group, complete the ‘REQUEST INFO’ form below and one of our Urban Center staff will be in touch.
Travel Teams 2021
Summer teams will run June 19 – July 12*
*subject to adjustment

What makes Travel Teams different from other mission trips?
Travel Teams has a much different dynamic than the typical local church mission/ministry trip. Travel Teams is a ministry training program because there are guaranteed experiences and practical training that will be included and can be taken back home after tour. Students will meet like-minded teens from all over the country, will be poured into by quality leaders, will travel to several different states, and will see ministry in urban and cross-cultural settings. At the end of the tour, each member will have experience with sharing his/her faith, public performance, preparing a testimony and team relationships. He/she will have memorized a number of key verses of scripture, been a part of a discipleship group, have intentional focused time with God each day, and learned the meaning of working hard thru manual labor projects. Lessons on 15 Godly character traits such as integrity, thankfulness, and purity are emphasized. Each young person also receives a personal evaluation from leaders while having an opportunity to learn about the joys of serving in local church ministries. He/she will know what it’s like to sleep on both a floor and a bed … eat church carry-in dinners and McDonalds … work in inner-city as well as rural settings…
And, students will make friendships that will last a life time! Ask anyone who has gone on Travel Teams and they will likely tell you that some of their closest friendships started with fellow team members on their team! It is a summer that is life-changing for most students, as they work together, learning, serving, and being a part of something bigger than themselves.
Where are the Travel Teams going in 2021?
Summer 2021 will feature a leadership development team that this ministry has been known for, as well as a new specialty team.
The Atlantic Team, which is a more traditional team, will have their home base in York, Pennsylvania, with Pastor Cody Ray as the Administrative Leader.
The new specialty team will focus on worship leading training with its home base primarily in the Akron, Ohio area. Pastor Todd Shoemaker will oversee this team.
What are the dates for Travel Teams 2021?
The Worship Travel Team will begin on June 11 with a planned ending date of June 26.
The Atlantic Travel Team will begin on June 17 and will end July 9 after the team attends the Momentum on the Road event in Lititz, Pennsylvania.
When do I apply for Travel Teams 2021?
Apply as soon as possible so you can start making plans for your summer. June will be here before you know it!
What is the cost for Travel Teams 2021?
The total support money cost will be approximately $2395. This includes…
A refundable confirmation deposit ($350.00).
Food and lodging
Discipleship materials, On Track Devotions, and other training materials
Equipment (rental vans, and/or rental trucks and trailers, sound equipment, mailings)
Expenses on tour (ex. Food, laundry, shower rentals)
If flying to orientation, transportation from the designated airport to orientation site and transportation to the designated airport at the conclusion of tour.
Registration cost for one Momentum on the Road event ($99)
Team Shirt
This cost does not include the following:
Transportation from your home to orientation site. It also does not include transportation home after tour is over.
Keeping costs low is very important to us and there are many opportunities and ideas given to assist students in knowing how to raise support.
What does that cost include?
Included in the Travel Teams support cost is the confirmation deposit, all food, lodging, and laundry expenses. It also includes tour travel and fuel on Travel Teams vehicles (buses and vans) and complimentary airport transportation to designated airports on specified dates for those flying to orientation or home after tour debriefing.
A Travel Teams syllabus, team t-shirt, and numerous discipleship resources are also included. And, this year, the registration for Momentum on the Road is also included!
There is scholarship help available. We have never known a student who tried to raise their money not to be able to go on one of our summer ministry teams simply due to finances. God does provide!
What is not included in the cost?
Transportation to orientation and back home after Travel Teams is over.
Where do the Travel Teams leaders come from?
Our Travel Teams Leaders are experienced in youth ministry and love working with students!
All of our leaders have to apply, receive positive references and each has a background check.
Students will also receive training from Momentum Ministry Partners staff, including Eric Miller, Director of Ministry Operations.
How many are on a team?
Each year is a bit different, depending on the amount of applicants, where the tours are going, and leadership needs and ratios. A typical size team is around 24 students and 4 – 5 adult leaders.
Where do the students stay while on Travel Teams and what do you do to safeguard students?
We are planning to use a “home base” model for 2021. This means that we will use a designated location to house for most, if not all, of the orientation and tour. Travel Teams students generally sleep on the floor, unless the training site has access to sufficient beds for our students. Students will need to bring a sleeping bag or other bedding.
Regarding safety, all leaders go thru an application process with required references and submit to a background check.
All leaders go through standardized training regarding safety issues and wise decision making. No student is ever left alone, whether in a community service opportunity or assisting the church with ministry. There will always be at least two students together.
Each team has one leader who is designated as the leader responsible for the health issues on the team—leaders travel with health information that parents/guardians provide. Should a health issue arise with a student, leaders will do their best to contact parents/guardians to see how they would like the situation handled.
Is there a luggage limit and how much can I pack?
A packing list will be provided to guide you in what to take on Travel Teams. You are limited to one suitcase, one overnight case or gym bag, a backpack, and one sleeping bag and pillow.
I have dietary restrictions – can I still go on Travel Teams?
Absolutely. Whether the student is diabetic, gluten free/celiac, lactose intolerant, or even allergic to certain food items like nuts, we are open to working with the student/family as far as what they may need to bring with them on tour and what we can provide. We would ask that if you have any questions about this, you contact Sherilyn at
Am I able to bring my cell phone, iPad, or computer on Travel Teams?
Students may bring a cell phone. Phones and chargers will be collected during orientation, and students will be given periodic access to their phones to call parents weekly and potentially update social media as applicable–students are encouraged and provided opportunities to call home.
iPads and computers should be left at home.
What is the cost for the Worship Specialty Team and what is included with that?
The support money cost for the Worship Team will be approximately $1995. This includes…
A refundable confirmation deposit ($350.00).
Food and lodging
Discipleship materials, On Track Devotions, and other training materials
Equipment (rental vans, and/or rental trucks and trailers, sound equipment)
Expenses on tour (ex. Food, laundry, shower rentals)
If flying to orientation, transportation from the designated airport to orientation site and transportation to the designated airport at the conclusion of tour.
Team Shirt
This cost does not include the following:
Transportation from your home to the orientation site. It also does not include transportation home after tour is over.