Across the country, pastoral burnout is taking its toll on local churches. The number of pastors giving real, serious consideration to leaving ministry has climbed steadily over the years to nearly 50% as of 2022. Nearly half of pastors across the country have considered quitting in 2022. One of the top three reasons for their consideration was a feeling of loneliness and isolation. Momentum Ministry Partners is committed to partnering with pastors to provide critical resources and an interconnected support system, so that they can lead and grow healthy, thriving churches in a post-COVID culture, without burning out in the process.


For those who want to become a ministry professional, visit the Grace College Akron page for more information on obtaining an accredited ministry degree through the program. 

Please visit the Momentum Podcast and Momentum Blog for further discussion on specific topics. If you have recommendations for resources you’d like to see offered here, or topics that we should cover on our podcast or in the blog, please email them to for consideration. 

“Momentum PRO is a breath of fresh air that I look forward to twice a year. It’s re-energizing to spend time with other pastors who are facing some of the same challenges as you, and we always come away with new ideas from each other and from the experts that we have the privilege to meet. I can’t recommend Momentum PRO highly enough.”

– Bartley Sawatsky, Senior Pastor 

“Momentum PRO provided a reservoir of useful resources and deepened relationships to draw on when ministry gets difficult and lonely. And it does. The experiences, both of travelling to see ministries I wouldn’t normally visit and to have conversations I wouldn’t otherwise work into my routines, have been inspiring and life-giving. I continue to be sharpened by the focus Momentum PRO has brought to keep me from drifting toward ministry ruts.”

– Dave Nicodemus, Youth Pastor 

“Momentum PRO has been an excellent investment for my local church. The time spent with other pastors has been super encouraging and the topics discussed have impacted me and our church in significant ways.”

– Phil Sparling, Senior Pastor  

“The most valuable part about being a part of Momentum PRO was making connections with other churches and other Youth Directors around the country. As a student director it’s had to get away and learn something new, and being able to bring back those new ideas was huge.”

– Zoe Oseni, Director of Student Development 

“Momentum PRO has had a greater impact on my leadership and our church than any other conference or cohort I have ever been a part of. The principles taught and experienced are directly transferrable to our context.”

– Scott Feather, Senior Pastor 


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