It might not seem all that important. It might seem like just another day we can ignore and move on to more important things. It might even seem like a day we kind of laugh at because there has to be a more impactful way of bringing our faith into public spaces—especially our public schools. It is just far too simple and not significant enough to make an effort with students. I am talking about Bring Your Bible To School Day and it just might be one of the most important days of the school year.

Public Schools Need Prayer

If you’re a youth leader of any kind, you are no stranger to the vast need for prayer in our public schools. A constant prayer I hear, and even pray myself, is for revival, for a miracle, for everyone to turn and see the Spirit of God at work in their midst and in the lives of our students. It is a bold prayer. And I love it.
And as simple as it sounds, I believe that something as basic as bringing your Bible to school could be an answer.
Let me explain.
During Momentum Youth Conference 2018, Louie Giglio reminded us that the Bible we hold in our hands is a living, breathing miracle. He reminded us that while so many of us spend so much time and energy looking for God to show up and do something miraculous, we forget that he already did. It sits collecting dust on our bedside tables. Something so incredibly simple and in some ways embarrassing, having to be reminded of the power of the Word of God, left an entire auditorium breathless.
“Scripture is not just ink on a page; it is the breath of God on a page.” – Louie Giglio
(listen to the full message here)

Ezra Read the Bible for Hours

As I sat, taking it all in, I started thinking about Nehemiah and Ezra. Nehemiah took on the task of rebuilding the walls surrounding Jerusalem. It was a task to rebuild not just a wall, but Jerusalem’s security and stability as a city. A task that belonged to God Almighty. Once the task was complete, and the Israelites had settled in their towns, “all the people assembled as one man in the square before the Winter Gate. They told Ezra the scribe to bring out the Law of Moses, which the Lord had commanded for Israel” (Nehemiah 8:1).
And he read it. For hours he read it. And the people listened.
I have this image in my mind of what it might have been like. The very breath of God hanging over the people as Ezra read, energizing the people, a miracle in the making, and the launching of a revival. The rest of the book tells the story of a nation captivated by the miracle Ezra held in his hands. The nation of Israel repented, renewed their covenant with God, and celebrated the revival.

The Very Breath of God

This passage always reminds me of the power of Scripture. The miracle of being able to hold the very breath of God in our hands. To learn from it, to live by it, and let it shape who we are designed to be. A national and organized Bring Your Bible to School Day is not about making a statement of religious freedom. It also isn’t about finding some way of making our students look more Christian, and it certainly is not something to be ignored. Students bringing their Bible to school ought to be a reminder of what it means to live ON MISSION. It ought to be an opportunity for students to share not only what they believe, but who they have chosen to follow and why. It is a chance to proclaim the gospel boldly.

Open Your Bible

In the early days of the church, Peter and John were persecuted for proclaiming the gospel among the Jews. Despite being arrested and threatened, Peter and John were so captivated by the gospel that they could do nothing but speak of things they had seen and heard (Acts 4:20). Bringing our Bibles to school—better yet cracking them open to read, discuss, debate, etc.—is an opportunity to live out that same boldness.
So as Bring Your Bible to School Day approaches, encourage your students to bring their Bible to school. And no, their phone does not count this time. And if you so dare, take it one step further. Why not encourage parents to set the example and bring their Bibles to work?

What Are Your Stories?

Finally, we would love to hear your stories as your students go out and live ON MISSION. Whether challenges, victories, or defeats; every experience can be learned from and used by God to bring his creation one step closer to him. Let us know in the comments how your students are living ON MISSION?
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