Brad Deetscreek, Momentum EDU Coordinator

Over the past 25 years, I have had the privilege of leading students and have witnessed both the fruit and challenges of the teenage years.
Consider for a moment all the changes that take place between the years of 12 and 18. Whether it’s a first cellphone, experiencing the pain of getting cut from a team, learning to drive, a first date, first job, plans after graduation, or other big milestones, the teen years are moments of great opportunity. What an invaluable place to invest time and make an impact during these moments! I am excited how God continues to work in the lives of teenagers.
Momentum EDU provides an incredible training ground for ministry in the lives of middle and high school students. Youth workers teach, train, provide unique opportunities, empower these emerging adults, and most importantly, they seek to assist the student to find their identity in Jesus. So much change! So much opportunity! We want to be in the mix.
We believe God can and will do BIG things in the life of the teenager. We believe teenagers do not have to wait to make an impact— they can lead now. Partnering with Grace College, we use our Youth Ministry major and minor to equip college students to bring the truth of Jesus to this ever-changing age group in a way that makes sense. God has high expectations for the rising generation and we agree. Would you prayerfully join us?