A Teaching Series designed to study the passage Proverbs 4:23 and guarding the heart. Week 1 is guarding our hearts against idleness in order to be sober-minded. Week 2 is guarding our hearts against opinions in order to pursue God's Truth. Week 3 is guarding our hearts in relationships in order to pursue purity. Thanks to Nick Mazza for providing the content for this resource. Resource Added 11.2.23

A Teaching Series designed to study the passage Proverbs 4:23 and guarding the heart. Week 1 is guarding our hearts against idleness in order to be sober-minded. Week 2 is guarding our hearts against opinions in order to pursue God’s Truth. Week 3 is guarding our hearts in relationships in order to pursue purity.

Categories: Guard Your Heart
Tags: guard your heart, heart, idleness, proverbs, proverbs 4, series, sober-minded, teaching series, week 1