What the Lead or Solo Pastor Must Lead! – Pastorpedia
These we must not assign to anyone else - at least we think so, and we mean in any size church. Under 100 or over 10,000! We think these four or five areas are the priorities we must carry on our own backs. And while the three of us will not have the same lists, we hope, like everything we share, you will think through your own...
Oh, and About That Sermon – Pastorpedia
Most surveys (think George Barna asking his wife questions when he gets home in the evening) still show that 80-90% of new people at church come because they were invited by a friend. So our faithful people are the best way to guests and new regulars. But how many come back the second time, and more, because of the sermon and the...
Let’s Fill in the Moats Around our Church Buildings! – Pastorpedia
They often grow wider over time and we get more separated from the people and needs right around our location. We have church fellowship schedules that fill our weeks which become months and then years. Let's build bridges to our neighbors and to local needs, honoring missions that are local as well as global. Our Lord would like that....
Pastoral Care – Help for Pastors from Pastorpedia
In this issue of Pastorpedia, Knute Larson, Jeff Bogue, and Jim Brown talk about a system of caring for the growth and provisions for people in their churches. Scroll down to read, watch, or download the PDF version. Like it or not, the title “Pastor” implies we care, and thus have a system of shepherding or caring for people with...
I’ll Be at Church for Christmas – Pastorpedia
The famous old song may be about being home for Christmas, but a lot of people do try church then, and at Easter, and we must make the most of it. How many times as a pastor have I been driving home from a holiday Sunday or service thinking, “I wish we would have…(whatever),” or “Next year we have got to….” Watch as Knute Larson, Jeff...
LGBT Issue and the Church – Does God Know What is Going On Here? – Pastorpedia
In this issue of Pastorpedia, Pastors Knute Larson, Jim Brown, and Jeff Bogue, talk about how pastors should respond to homosexual issues. Vol. 2, Issue 8 Produced by CE National LGBT Issue and the Church LGBT: Does God know what is going on here? People wonder at times—we all do. And it is not an act of infidelity to question God or be...
Pastorpedia – How a Pastor Can Serve as a Godly Example
In this issue of Pastorpedia, Knute Larson, Jeff Bogue, and Jim Brown talk about how a pastor should set a godly example. Scroll down to read or watch. And who will take care of my godly example? This one is about the guy who stands up front and tells people how to live. This one is about the "hardworking farmer" who should eat the...