Respectable Sins: a Digital Lab
It seems we’ve created a sliding scale where gossip, jealousy, and selfishness comfortably exist within the church. How can we confront the sins we like to tolerate and how can we encourage our students to do the same? Eric Miller talks with Dr. Tiberius Rata, associate dean of the School of Ministry Studies and professor of Old...
Ministry in a Small Church: a Digital Lab
Ministry in a small church can be frustrating and discouraging. You might even see churches down the road that are growing, but for some reason, your church isn’t. Eric Miller, director of ministry operations for CE National, talks with Tim Spankle and Shawn Kidder, two pastors who are seeing God do big things in their small churches....
Helping Your Graduated Student Find A Good Church Home
There are many adjustments to make when a student moves from living at home to living on their own. Finding and getting involved in a good church home can make these adjustments easier. But how do you encourage your students to look for a church and how do they find one that will teach them solid, Christian doctrine? Eric Miller,...
Your Sport, Your Ministry
Extracurricular activities are huge in a student's life. Friendships are forged during the many hours of practice these activities require. How can you help your students see these friendships as an opportunity to share Jesus and encourage fellow Christians in their faith? Eric Miller, director of ministry operations for CE National,...
Politics and Government: When to Say Something
We have a King plus “Caesar”! “We have no king but Caesar!” is the original quote, a loud shout from the religious leaders to Pilate when he asked if he should crucify their king (John 19:15). But we do. As citizens of our country we have a double obligation, and at times must choose to deal with higher issues than political parties and...
How To Help Your Students Overcome Doubt
"Deconstructing my faith" is a phrase that has been in the news recently as several celebrities have talked about their journey away from God. These stories usually start with unresolved doubt. Eric Miller, director of ministry operations for CE National, talked with Tim Sprankle, lead pastor of Grace Church in Leesburg, Indiana, about...
Joys and Challenges of Being a Pastor’s Wife
Bethany Miller, Megan Johnson, and Carly Nicodemus talk about the ups and downs of being wives of pastors. Visit to find out more... Joy and Challenges of Being a Pastor's Wife Megan Johnson Megan serves alongside her husband, Adam, at Journey Church in...
Running Zoom Webinars For Ministry
The tech guy wasn’t supposed to be in the video, but there I was, looking bored as the three pastors I’d recorded discussed their topic. When stay-at-home hit in March, I was asked to record a production through Zoom. CE National, the organization where I work, produces Pastorpedia, a monthly video to help pastors. Pastorpedia features...
Self Care for Student Ministry Staff
Eric Miller, CE National’s director of ministry operations and Scott Feather, pastor of Gateway Church in Parkesburg, Pennsylvania, spoke candidly on how to care for yourself while you care for others in ministry. In this CE Digital Lab, the two men discussed spiritual disciplines, guarding your heart from temptation, feeding yourself...
Temptation in the Midst of Isolation (Video)
Is it possible to avoid temptations when you’re stuck at home and bored? When you’re away from your community sins can grow or come to the surface like dabbling in pornography, masturbation, sexting, gluttony, apathy, gossip and more. Come find help from Pastors David Nicodemus and Mark Artrip in acknowledging these weaknesses and learn...