
5 Ways To Appreciate Your Pastor All Year Long
It's October, which means it's time to show your pastor some appreciation. For most, the ministry year is just getting started, but before you know it, it's going to be March, and your beloved pastors are going to be on the verge of a meltdown. They're going to be tired, drained, and in desperate need of a recharge. But here is what I...
How Shall We Determine What To Preach? – Pastorpedia
“God tells me what to preach” I did not argue with my new friend when he told me that, but neither did I believe him. Which of course is a subject for another day, about how God speaks to us. But most of us have to grapple, analyze, and pray for wisdom as we plan our preaching calendar, so here we tackle ways to do that. In a day when...
5 Things That Should Be on Your Fall To Do List
Fall ministry season is upon us. No doubt you have started training volunteer leaders, communicating with parents, deciding what to teach on this semester, and planning for this fall’s special events and retreats. Despite the fact that you have had all summer to prepare, it just never feels like you're ready. But in all the large scale...
How Should A Church Assess Its Effectiveness? – Pastorpedia
The angels are meeting in awards mode This particular committee must pick “church of the year” in your state. You can listen in if you like. “Look at this one—they have four services every weekend, and three of them are almost full!” “Wait, look at this one—they were 30% over budget in giving last year and gave 29% for outside their...

Creating The Right Environment For Your Brand New Freshmen
Ready or not fall is here. Ready or not the freshmen are here. In some ways it is exciting. New faces, new opportunities, new students to lean into and shape into the people God made them to be—in other ways terrifying. Not just for you, but for them. Imagine that introverted kid you saw walk into youth group early last year. Quiet,...
What Are Job Hazards Pastors Face? Pastorpedia
What are our job hazards? It is true that pastoring a church is not a hard-hat job. It is correct to say that there are not physical dangers that go with the territory. Most of us see no need to “conceal and carry.” But for sure this calling has its hazards and dangers. Just read the newspaper or check your own heart. So may we address...
The Gospel and Our Part in Clarifying and Calling – Pastorpedia
What did he say? I sat in a physics lecture where I was not very sure at all what was being said or what I could do with it. I once tried to stay awake in a theological seminar led by Dr. Carl F. H. Henry—some of you have textbooks or memories—and tried to look like I agreed because of his evangelical scholarship, but realized it was a...
5 Challenges That Keep Students From Sharing Their Faith
The older I get, the more I understand how fast I can get out of touch with youth—their culture, their concerns, and their struggles. Recently, I had the opportunity to sit down with a few high school students hoping to get some fresh insight. We spoke on several topics, but our conversation continued to swing back to the issue of...
Three Ways to Make Youth Group a Thriving Community
In my early days of ministry, I was all for the big event. After all, go big or go home. Right? So, while teaching in a Christian school, I had this idea for a large youth event. I wasn't exactly sure what I wanted to see, but I did know that I wanted several great local worship bands and some great speakers. I found all the right...
3 Reasons High School Students Should Mentor Middle School Students
Can high school ministry and middle school ministry work together? Is it possible that students straight out of elementary school could work alongside college-bound seniors? Not only is this possible, but incredibly beneficial to your ministry. In fact, I would even argue that for a successful ministry, it is a must. It is a benefit not...