Pastorpedia – Shall We Speak of Money!?$ – Help for Pastors Vol. 2, Issue 12 Produced by CE National Shall we speak of money?!$ Some of us maybe should put the (Offering) in the worship order in parenthesis. Others maybe should type it in ALL CAPS. Probably depends upon our backgrounds and our nerve. Either way, we must all talk about it, partly because Jesus did but...
Pastorpedia – Leading in a Changing Culture Vol. 2, Issue 10 Produced by CE National In the February issue of Pastorpedia, pastors Jeff Bogue, Knute Larson, and Jim Brown talk about leading in a changing culture. Leading in a Changing Culture Jesus is indeed “the same…. …yesterday, today, and forever,” as the Hebrews writer said. But we surely have...
Pastorpedia – Personal Time Management for a Pastor Vol. 2, Issue 10 Produced by CE National In the January issue of Pastorpedia, pastors Jeff Bogue, Knute Larson, and Jim Brown talk about time management for a pastor. Personal Time Management Look at it this way: We all get 168 hours a week, sight unseen. Let’s guess at hours…56 for decent sleep, 14 for...
Pastorpedia – Developing Leadership in the Church
Vol. 2, Issue 9 Produced by CE National Developing leaders, working with… …God. Yes, God Himself. Related to leadership, as with church health, we “work out our salvation (our good health) with fear and trembling.” And then we count on God to “will and to do at His good pleasure,” as promised. And He does. See Philippians 2:12, 13. This...
Unchurched and “Dechurched” – Pastorpedia
In this issue of Pastorpedia, pastors Knute Larson, Jeff Bogue, and Jim Brown talk about the making your weekend service friendly to the unchurched. Jeff pastors Grace Church in Akron, Ohio. Jim pastors Grace Community Church in Goshen, Indiana. Knute is the former pastor of The Chapel in Akron, Ohio and now coaches pastors. Unchurched...
I Can, But I Do Not Have To…Pastorpedia on Christian Liberty
In this issue of Pastorpedia, pastors Knute Larson, Jeff Bogue, and Jim Brown talk about exercising Christian liberty. Scroll down to read, watch, or download the PDF version. I can, but I do not have to… This month we take a short break from the practical and pastoral areas of serving the church to think about Christian liberty. To go...
They Are Not Sunday School Warmed Over – Pastorpedia on Small Groups
In this issue of Pastorpedia, pastors Knute Larson, Jeff Bogue, and Jim Brown talk about small groups. Sunday and home groups are probably the second most important gatherings our churches have—after worship services. So they deserve high priority for the pastor and staff. This month we checked them, and urge you to check yours. Are...
"What To Take For Staff Infection" – Pastorpedia
In this issue of Pastorpedia, pastors Knute Larson, Jeff Bogue, and Jim Brown address church staffing concerns by answering these questions: If you could only have two other paid staff, whose roles would you choose? What policies and practices promote healthy staff unity and productivity? What communication issues do you and your...
The Main Way People Judge Church – Pastorpedia on Worship
In this issue of Pastorpedia, pastors Knute Larson, Jeff Bogue, and Jim Brown talk about how pastors can improve the worship service experience. We can wish they would really check our discipleship materials or children's programs. We can beef up the counseling or clean the building better. We can quote Barna who says 80% of people come...
Pastorpedia – And Who Will Take Care of My Godly Example?
In this issue of Pastorpedia, Knute Larson, Jeff Bogue, and Jim Brown talk about how a pastor should set a godly example. Scroll down to read or watch. And who will take care of my godly example? This one is about the guy who stands up front and tells people how to live. This one is about the "hardworking farmer" who should eat the...