
The Future of Youth Ministry Starts Here
Over the last eleven years, I have taught students apologetics and worldview training in the classroom from the laid-back suburbs of Detroit to the cultural epicenter of Los Angeles. The students may dress different, act different, have different experiences, and sometimes very different challenges. But when it comes to their faith, the...
The Basics of Spiritual Growth in Students
If you like sports, you have heard this story. In the 1960 NFL Championship game, the Green Bay Packers suffered a heartbreaking defeat to the New York Giants after blowing a fourth-quarter lead. Vince Lombardi opened the following seasons training camp determined to return to the basics. Standing in front of 38 professional athletes,...
Help! I Prepared for 20 Students, but Only 5 Showed Up!
I will never forget the very first time I lead a youth group meeting. In my early days of seminary, I was volunteering in the youth ministry, working closely with the youth pastor, learning all I could. When he gave me the chance to plan and lead group for the night, I jumped at the opportunity and spent countless hours in study and...
What Works in the Classroom Can Work in Ministry
I am sure, like me, you have all been there. You feel like what you have to say is literally from the Spirit of God. You have prepped all week; you carefully crafted your talk, studied the text, prayed through the text, and even created some of the greatest tweetable one-liners. You are convinced that your picture with a great quote is...
The Role of Interns and Young People on Church Staff – Pastorpedia
Knute Larson, Jeff Bogue, and Jim Brown talk about how to help interns and young people who are on church staff. This song is not about us . . . . . . and we know that. We are not so vain. It is about the Great Command and the Great Commission for the church. It is about our training and discipling people who will lead and serve the...
How is Generation Z Changing Youth Ministry?
A few nights ago my daughters were watching their favorite cartoon. I am pretty strict on what they watch, and this particular show has been rather harmless. So I thought. My wife happened to be in the room when this cartoon, written for preschool age children, introduced the concept of two mommies. Taken slightly by surprise, my wife...
How to Get Your Youth Group Talking
More than once, I was told it was a liability in a church setting. What would work in the classroom for discussion could never translate in a church environment. Yet, I somehow always default to being a teacher—asking questions, calling on students, looking for constant interaction. Large portions of a teacher’s lesson plans are...
3 Ways to Make the Most of See You at the Pole
So many great movements in American history were begun by students. So many other great movements of faith started with faithful people on their knees in prayer. Just imagine what could happen when faithful students fall to their knees in prayer—for their fellow students, for their school, and for their nation. For nearly twenty years,...
Homosexuality and the Church
Knute Larson, Jeff Bogue, and Jim Brown talk about how to address homosexuality in the church. Feelings do matter... The feelings of our church people matter to us as leaders. Very much, in fact. The feelings of our culture and people tied to it are a strong concern to us. We all wish they would give our church a try very soon. The...

What Does Fortnite Have to do with Jesus?
Helping Students in Your Youth Group by Understanding Their Culture What show are students binge-watching on Netflix? How long will Fortnite be a thing? What is the most popular social media platform and who are students following? How much of youth culture ought we, as youth leaders, be a part of and how much should we try and provide...