Raising Funds for Ministries and Projects
Out of our comfort zones for good reasons When it's time to stand up front and start special fundraising projects in the church, most of us would rather stay in bed. This is not what we signed up for. But we all reap the benefits of what other people have done to make ministries, buildings, and systems possible; we must recognize the...
Plan for Lasting Impact After This Summer’s Big Event
Summer retreat and camp season is just around the corner. As you prepare and plan for the big event, don’t forget to plan for what happens after. Throughout my entire ministry career, retreats have been a vital part of making disciples. At some I have served as the speaker, some I have organized, and others I have enjoyed as an...
3 Things You Must Do To Raise Up Student Leaders
As a youth leader, you pray for those moments; moments when students surprise you, when they take ownership, when they lead others—when they take leaps and bounds in their spiritual growth. Witnessing it is like a shot of adrenaline. Once you experience it, you want more of it. A new standard has been set, the bar raised, and the...
Celebrating History This Easter – ON MISSION Insights
I love history. Specifically the Civil War. I remember in high school reading countless books about the Civil War for more than two years. I took tests, wrote papers, but it wasn’t until I saw the battlefield that it became real to me. We took a class trip to Washington D.C., visited Gettysburg and the surrounding areas, stood on the...
When You Pray For and With Your Youth Ministry, Remember These Three Things
Prayer is a powerful tool in your ministry. Wait. You knew that. After all, Jesus prayed. The apostles prayed. Scripture tells us of some crazy things that happened when people prayed. Cool. My guess is that you already pray for all your students, leaders, and volunteers. Beautiful. What else? Could greater intentionality of prayer take...
3 Disturbing Cultural Trends Youth Pastors Need to Address: Part 2 – What Now?
Whether it is the most recent school shooting, the lyrics of the latest Drake album, the newest Netflix series that raises concern over explicit content marketed to teens, or even the drama surrounding the Covington students; make no mistake, culture is warring with itself. As I mentioned in my last article, the church is literally...
Creativity in the Church: Pastorpedia
“Hmmm, why didn’t I think of that?” Because you had a bunch of other things on your mind. Because you were working hard on next Sunday’s sermon, starting sometime Sunday evening or Monday morning! Because you are really good at loving people, showing care, and guiding the direction of the church, but are not especially creative. (And...
The Health of the Pastor: Pastorpedia
“Taking care of number one” We should, we must, we can—take care of number one. Ourselves. That phrase above is usually used in a negative way, with good reason, it defines a selfish way of life. We all know we cannot help others very well or over the long term if we are not healthy in our own spirits, emotions, and bodies. So let’s...
3 Critical Steps to Becoming a Great Mentor
It used to frustrate me to my core. Teachers and youth leaders that always seemed to have graduates come back to visit. During my first few years of teaching at various times of the year, college students would come back to visit their favorite teachers. But that isn't what bothered me. As a new teacher, there was something I didn't...
Podcast Episode 4 – Urban Hope Los Angeles with Tim Lansing
Steve and Dave talk with Tim Lansing at the Los Angeles Urban Hope Training Center Dedication.