3 Ways to Make the Most of See You at the Pole
So many great movements in American history were begun by students. So many other great movements of faith started with faithful people on their knees in prayer. Just imagine what could happen when faithful students fall to their knees in prayer—for their fellow students, for their school, and for their nation. For nearly twenty years,...
Homosexuality and the Church
Knute Larson, Jeff Bogue, and Jim Brown talk about how to address homosexuality in the church. Feelings do matter... The feelings of our church people matter to us as leaders. Very much, in fact. The feelings of our culture and people tied to it are a strong concern to us. We all wish they would give our church a try very soon. The...

What Does Fortnite Have to do with Jesus?
Helping Students in Your Youth Group by Understanding Their Culture What show are students binge-watching on Netflix? How long will Fortnite be a thing? What is the most popular social media platform and who are students following? How much of youth culture ought we, as youth leaders, be a part of and how much should we try and provide...
The Church Worship Service is GOAT – Pastorpedia
Knute Larson, Jeff Bogue, and Jim Brown talk about how they plan and prepare for an excellent worship service experience for their church each week. Who is GOAT? Michael or LeBron — Greatest Of All Time in basketball? The debate goes on. But as to Greatest Of All Time in the local church, at least in each week’s schedule for the local...
Polygamy is Not Good! – Protecting a Pastor’s Marriage – Pastorpedia
Knute Larson, Jeff Bogue, and Jim Brown talk about protecting a pastor's marriage. In a small sense, the pastor-church relationship is a marriage of sorts. But if the real spouse feels like the church is a spouse of higher favor, there is pain. Trouble, “right here in River City.” Most churches will not protect the pastor’s marriage. We...
Hard Ethics and Cultural Questions for the Local Church
Knute Larson, Jeff Bogue, and Jim Brown talk about how they handle ethics and cultural questions in their churches. The next Pastorpedia Live is June 6. Dr. Daniel Green will be talking about personal ethics for pastors. Knute Larson will host. Register now to participate at CE National's Russell Center in Winona Lake, Indiana. Too far...
Roe v. Wade at 45 Years Abortion Debate Still Rages
Our friend, Pastor Don Shoemaker, wrote a really good piece with regard to abortion and we thought that it would be a good article to pass along to you. We appreciate Don and his insights and ability to communicate on important social concern issues of our time. If you would like to receive his monthly news letter, contact him at...
11 Keys to Keep Your Church’s Volunteer Children’s Staff Happy
Keeping volunteer children's staff around for more than a year can be difficult. The demands of working with children can be huge, but given good leadership, it is possible to have less turn-over. Here are 11 keys to keep children's staff happy in their roles. 1. Assign an experienced teacher to mentor. You wouldn't start a new job...
“Gimme a T. . . E . . . A. . . M!” Pastorpedia – School or Team Spirit in Small and Large Church Staffs
Pastors Knute Larson, Jeff Bogue, and Jim Brown talk about how they encourage their church staff to work like a team. Even the Lone Ranger had Tonto, sometimes his cousin, Dan Reed, and of course his amazing horse and friend, Silver. We should not try this calling called pastoring alone. Whether we're talking lead volunteers or paid...
Be Like Billy Graham! Serious. – Help with Preaching for Pastors – Pastorpedia
America and the world just lost a giant, and many of us over age 50 were inspired and influenced by Billy Graham. Now, we’re not stretching it to say that we can be like him related to preaching in several ways: Faithfulness: Yes, that is related to preaching because people will not listen to us if they do not trust and love us. Billy...